Self Care Weekend Products

Every Sunday I’ll be posting 3 different products that every mom should use for the up and coming weekend (or when you can squeeze in time) to give herself that much needed self-care treatment after a long week.If you have them on hand, feel free to put them to use soon. Detox your yourself after a long week. Get your mind, body, soul, etc. back to what it was before the week started, and prepare for the upcoming week. Self care is non-negotiable.

**Links are below**

ESARORA Ice Roller for Face & Eye, Puffiness, Migraine, Pain Relief and Minor Injury, Skin Care Products

Fruit Infusion Flavor Pitcher

Earth Therapeutics  Anti-Stress Comfort Wrap

Combining these three products would help you relax to the fullest. While sipping on some refreshing water with the fruit infusion pitcher, having the anti stress comfort wrap draped around your neck, and a cool ice roller gliding across your face gives the perfect combination of relaxation. Enjoy yourself with these products or something similar. Remember self care is non-negotiable. Enjoy you!

Friday Night Movie Night: Kids Edition

What’s a better way to start the weekend off and unwind after a long week? Having an at home movie night with the kiddos! Instead of going to the movies, we decided to pop our own popcorn with the Nostalgia Popcorn Maker, buy some candy, and have juice as our beverage. To make it a little more festive, we had movie popcorn boxes to put the popcorn in. I had my three year old help pour in the popcorn kernels, and place the popcorn boxes under the popcorn maker. (Careful it can get really hot!) We gathered up on the couch with our pillows and blankets, popped in a movie and enjoyed the remainder of the night. What an awesome way to end the week with the kids watching a movie at home as if we’re in a movie theater.

What ways do you end the week, and start the weekend with your children? Some suggestions would be awesome!! Enjoy your weekend!

Self Care Weekend Products

Every Sunday I’ll be posting 3 different products that every mom should use for the up and coming weekend (or when you can squeeze in time) to give herself that much needed self-care treatment after a long week.If you have them on hand, feel free to put them to use soon. Detox your yourself after a long week. Get your mind, body, soul, etc. back to what it was before the week started, and prepare for the upcoming week. Self care is not a luxury, it is a priority and necessity.

Hot and Cold Compress Gel Eye Mask

DREAMFLYLIFE Luxury Fleece Blanket

URPOWER 2nd Version Essential Oil Diffuser and Essential oils by PURE AROMA (2 product links)

Combining all 3-4 products will give you a relaxing and spa like feel. Get cozy on your couch with your blanket while having the gel eye mask applied to the face, and your diffuser and essential oils setting the mood of your home.

Summer Bucket List: Family Friendly

Summer is coming to an end, and fall is beginning to set in the air. This summer went by in the blink of an eye. Before summer came about in full effect, I sat down with my children and made a bucket list with my three year old. We thought of some ideas we thought were cool to do before summer ended. Of course we had to be realistic. As we all know three year old’s have a broad imagination. Most of our bucket list activities took place on the weekend, or when I did have time away from work. I felt that it was important to engage with my children, get them up and active instead of them sitting in front of a TV/iPad all day and night. When I was growing up, my brothers and I stayed outside playing until the sun went down and the street lights came on. I want my children to be able to experience being outdoors and not contained inside inside the house. Though the summers are brutal here in South Carolina, I made sure we stayed cool and hydrated when we were outside. We unfortunately could not do everything on our bucket list but we did as much as we could and made the best of it.

What are some summer activities you and your children did this summer?
Next we’ll make our fall/winter/holiday bucket list and share what we did over the course of the months!

Below I created an editable PDF of the bucket list so my son can go in and check off himself what we did as a family.

Summer Bucket List

Failing as a Parent:Parent Success Strategies

Am I failing as a parent? Absolutely….NOT! Before having children, and I’m not speaking for myself, but every parent had expectations as to what kind of parent they envisioned to be. ” I won’t let me child eat this, watch that” ,etc. Rightfully so, you can make those decisions because you’re their parent.

You have experts, family, and friends who give advice on how to raise your children or how to be a good parent, but in my opinion, raise your children how you feel they should be raised. Parent your children the best way you know how. What works best for your children and within your household is how it should be. Never look at other parents and feel guilty because you aren’t doing what they are doing.

To be the best parent I know how for my son and daughter, I do these few strategies:

Being a great role model:: Children watch what we do and listen to what we say. We as parents must set a good example. They are sponges and will soak up any and everything we do. Remember we want our children to model appropriate behavior and we must act accordingly.

Being Persistent:: As parents we should be consistent as much as possible. Keeping routines and rules to where they should be; children will know whats expected, and it gives them a solid foundation.

Treat your child equally:: NEVER COMPARE YOUR CHILD to their siblings, or if they are the only child don’t compare them to other children. When children are compared to others it makes them feel less of themselves like they are failing you or them. Always lift your child up and give them equal attention and treat them equally.

Be Patient:: I’ve grown to be a patient person. My entire life prior to having children I was impatient, wanted things to happen right away , wanted people to do things when I said to do them etc. After becoming a mom, having patience with my children keeps me leveled. If I don’t have the patience with them, who will? By my children seeing me impatient and wanting “now” they will follow in my footsteps of that inappropriate behavior. As we know in life, being impatient will not get you far.

Raising children is a tough and challenging job, but it is also rewarding. Be sure to look at yourself everyday and say ” I’m doing one heck of a job to parent my kids, and no one can tell me otherwise!”

Self-Care Weekend Products

Simply…enjoy you!

Every Sunday I’ll be posting 3 different products that every mom should use for the up and coming weekend (or when you can squeeze in time) to give herself that much needed self-care treatment after a long week. If you have them on hand, feel free to put them to use soon. You deserve it. Get your mind, body, soul, etc. back to what it was before the week started, and prepare for the upcoming week. Fall is literally right about the corner and these products are great to have.

Just Love Kimono Robe Bath Robes for Women 6311-Coral-M

Wishcotton Womens Cozy Breathable Memory Foam Slippers Classic Two-Tone Style House Shoes

Papillon Back Massager with Heat

Etsy Trackers/Planners

SimipliedLifeDesign is my newly launched Etsy Shop. Sometimes as a parent life gets in the way, and we can’t remember everything. Not only as a parent, but for any individual. All of the products on my site are editable PDF’s so that you are able to type within the boxes, make check marks, save, and update, etc. The trackers and planners are also printable. My Etsy site currently consist of 6 items. Take a look below at 3 of the 6 items that are on my site and please take a moment to check out my Etsy shop!

The monthly Self Care Journal consist of all 12 months of the year which allows anyone to keep track of the days the gave themselves self care. Notes can be made at the bottom of the calendar as the month goes on, and there is also an overview of the month to express accomplishments, self care and your focus for the upcoming month.
An editable to- do list that allows you to keep track of your daily tasks, important notes and appointments.

Need to plan out weekly meals for breakfast lunch snacks and dinners for the family or yourself? This Weekly Meal Plan is just right for you to make the week go by smoothly with planning meals.